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Caitlin Dahl

Assistant Professor of French


Dr. Caitlin Dahl specializes in queer studies, gender and sexuality studies, and 17th-century studies with an interest in diverse texts from early-modern media to fictional memoirs, to short stories. Her other current research interests include queer philology and translation, visual culture in early modern media, modes of femininity under the Ancien régime, early modern theatre, and gendered notions of bienséance and the vraisemblable (propriety and the plausible).

An ongoing project of hers interrogates the intersections of galanterie, queerness, and race in early-modern France. Dahl is also one of a group of eight specialists working on a digital, bilingual anthology of selected nouvelles or short stories published in the important early modern periodical, Le Mercure galant under the direction of Jean Donneau de Visé from 1672-1710.


  • B.A., Montana State University
  • M.A., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh

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