The Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies celebrated the reopening of its Riggsby Library and Reading Room in […]
The Marco Institute marks its partnership with the University of Poitiers with a conference and visits to medieval sites in France.
The Tenth Annual Marco Manuscript Workshop will be held Friday and Saturday, Feb. 6-7, at the University of Tennessee in […]
On April 25th, the Marco Institute hosted its annual Graduate Fellows evening to celebrate the 2013 Haslam Dissertation Fellowship recipient […]
Here is a video of two talented Marco graduate students speaking about their work. These presentations were given by Meghan […]
From Dr. Maura Lafferty: The medieval Latin sight reading group will be meeting this semester onThursdays at 3:30 in Greve […]
A number of graduate students in the English department recently expressed the desire to bring faculty and graduate students together […]
Here is a link to the Spring 2012 Marco newsletter, which features some of our editors and contributors, as well […]
It’s hard to imagine Marsilio Ficino, Thomas Wyatt, Christopher Marlowe or George Chapman with a Facebook profile page. In fact […]
The inspiration for our topic this quarter was inspired by the 10th annual Marco Symposium. The questions posed by the […]
The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.